Top 15% Ranking in
Environmental Responsibility

SaniSure® obtains EcoVadis Silver Rating
One of the most significant achievements for SaniSure in its corporate governance journey has been the awarding of a Silver rating in the EcoVadis Sustainability assessment. This recognition places SaniSure in the top 15% of rated companies.
SaniSure’s overall score of 71 places the company ahead of nearly 93% of the biomanufacturing industry. Such a rating illustrates that we are on the right path toward more sustainable practices within our organization and industry.
About EcoVadis Score
EcoVadis is a trusted platform that assesses the environmental and social performance of companies across various industries worldwide. The overall score (0-100) reflects the quality of the company’s sustainability management system at the time of the assessment. EcoVadis sustainability recognition levels are based on the percentile rank of a company’s EcoVadis score and a minimum theme score. To date, the organization has rated over 75,000 trading partners worldwide. The EcoVadis Rating takes into account various criteria across a broad range of non-financial management systems, including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement impacts. Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company’s size, location, and industry.
In our commitment to more sustainable practices in the long term, we have been working on implementing a robust environmental social governance program, as well as increasing our targets regarding the topic. In our next submission, we’ll aim for a higher rating within the EcoVadis scoring system.
您可以在这里查看我们的 EcoVadis 分数:

Sustainability at SaniSure®
近年来,可持续发展在行业中变得至关重要,我们通过两种新方式来迎接这一转变。 首先,EcoVadis 对我们公司的环境可持续性进行了评级,其次,我们加入了联合国全球契约。
我们很高兴地宣布 SaniSure 公司现已加入联合国全球契约。 联合国全球契约 联合国全球契约是一项自愿性倡议,鼓励企业将其运营和战略与人权、劳工、环境和反腐败领域的一系列普遍接受的原则相统一。 参与《联合国全球契约》标志着我们承诺在整个运营过程中努力贯彻这些原则,并就我们的进展情况与利益相关方进行公开沟通。
SaniSure 加入联合国全球契约的决定反映出公司内部更广泛地认识到,企业责任不应仅限于满足监管要求。 通过将可持续发展纳入我们的核心业务战略,SaniSure 为生物制药行业的可持续发展做出了贡献。 通过加入这一倡议,SaniSure 表明了我们作为一个负责任和可持续发展的组织运营的决心,并已开始纳入供应商的 ESG 问卷调查和行为准则承诺。 公司将在年度企业报告中公布我们支持联合国全球契约及其原则的方式。
Commitment to continuous improvement
SaniSure 最近被列入联合国全球契约和 EcoVadis 环境可持续发展评级,这表明我们非常重视环境、社会和公司治理。 公司积极主动地确保 SaniSure、我们的供应商和合作伙伴按照可持续发展的指导方针运营。
实现可持续发展是一个持续的过程,SaniSure 认识到实现可持续发展需要不断改进和创新。 我们将继续致力于制定可持续发展目标,以透明的方式衡量我们的进展,并与利益相关方合作采取行动,最大限度地减少对环境和社会的影响。